BLAM BTI: Biological Larvicide Anti-Mosquito

Just add BLAM BTI (Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis) powder to your pond, fountain, trench or well and all mosquito larvae will die in 24 hours. And your water surface will stay protected! BLAM only affects mosquitoes: all other species are protected!


blam larvicide anti moustique larve

BLAM is a natural larvicide in powder against mosquito larvae.

Simply put BLAM in mosquito larvae infested water or in advance in water suitable for mosquitoes (ponds, gutters, ditches…)


llarve de moustique

Works in 24 hours

After a few hours you will see the wigglers (mosquito larvae) struggle. After 24 hours all the larvae will die. The water remains protected for about 3 weeks: all future laying of eggs / larvae will be killed.

moustique tigre

Also very efficient against tiger mosquito / asian mosquito.

BLAM contains a natural substance: the Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (BTI). BTI provokes a deadly indigestion for mosquito larvae. BLAM affects ONLY mosquito larvae: all other aquatic species are perfectly protected. BLAM BTI does not affect birds, mammals, plants, worms or adult mosquitoes.

1g of BLAM is enough for 2m² of water surface

BLAM is available in 100g sealed bags. BLAM comes as an ultra concentrated formula: BTI concentration of 1200 UTI / mg.

So 1g of BLAM is enough to treat 2 m² of water surface = 200 m² for the full bag.

Easy to use

If you water surface is small, you can directly put the correct dose of BLAM in the water.

For larger surfaces we recommend first diluting BLAM in a water bucket or bottle and then pour the mix on the surface: this will make covering the surface easier. Dilute only the amount of powder you need.

Find the BLAM user guide here.

BLAM BTI also works on fungus gnats larvae

Want to get rid of your fungus gnat larvae? Check how BLAM BTI is the easy and biological solution to the fungus gnat problem.